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Fun Food Battalion

Logo Phase 1
Fun Food
Logo Designs
Fun Food Phase 3
Logo Designs 4 Phase
Fun Food Battalion

Fun Food Battalion

The intriguing juxtaposition of “Fun, Food, and Battalion” may initially strike one as incongruous, as it conjures images of warfare rather than entertainment and cuisine. However, allow me to clarify that the phrase refers to none other than my personal favorite brand identity design – Fun Food Battalion.

Crafting this emblem was no easy feat, for it required seamlessly melding elements of merriment and nationalistic pride into one cohesive brand image. The establishment, a military-themed fun food park, featured military-inspired decor such as furniture, paints, and walls, in addition to a magnificent replica of a war tank stationed at its entrance.

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While some may guess red or green, the answer is actually yellow and black. These colors can be traced back to the era of STD-PCOs (public call booths) and their use in photocopying (Xerox) shops.